MECHA aims to build connections between students to enrich the university experience, bringing together the mech community.
The Mechanical and Mechatronics Student Association (MECHA) is a student-led group that aims to connect students with the industry and equip them with the skills to excel in their chosen field. From sharpening their interviewing skills to networking with industry members, MECHA is a fantastic stepping stone to aid the leap from university to the industry.
MECHA aims to build connections between students to enrich the university experience, bringing together the mech community.
MECHA aims to facilitate professional and personal development of our members so they can confidently thrive in the industry.
MECHA aims to expand our members' skillsets, challenging them academically and allowing them to become well rounded within our field.
MECHA aims to promote inclusivity and expand members' skills in mechanical engineering through opportunities to engage with diverse backgrounds.